Tuesday, February 18th

Hug-A-Tree & Survive Program

Hug A Tree and Survive

    The Red Rose K-9 S.A.R. Team is actively involved in presenting the nationally-known "Hug-A-Tree & Survive" program which teaches children what to do to prevent from getting lost and what to do if they become lost. Many of the things the children learn assist searchers in a more rapid recovery. Basic survival skills are also taught. The program was developed by searchers in California who were involved in a massive search, in mountainous terrain, for a 9 year old boy who succumbed to hypothermia.

Community Involvement

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    Each year, the Red Rose K-9 S.A.R. Team participates in a variety of community events. One of their most gratifying events is the “Make-A-Wish Convoy."

    Throughout the year, the team is busy educating civic groups on the importance of a well-trained K-9 unit and demonstrating the multiple ways in which Bloodhounds can be utilized. Listed below are some of these organizations:

The Academy of Natural Sciences-Philadelphia
Strasburg Railroad: “Thomas The Train”
Lancaster County Libraries
PA State Police “Camp Cadet”
Lancaster County Youth Conservation School
Lancaster General Hospital
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Rotary Club
Lions Club
LCCTC Law Enforcement Program
Lancaster Humane League
Philadelphia National Liberty Museum Senior Citizen Groups
Home-School Groups
Church Groups
Sertoma Clubs
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